If you're looking for the NKJV Audio Bible MP3 download, we have two great options for you. Your first option is a voice only reading. It is both Old and New Testament. It is read by Bob Souer. He has a very smooth and calming and slow voice. The second option you have is read by Stephen Johnston. It is a dramatized Audio Bible. A dramatized Audio Bible has different voices for different characters. An example would be when Jesus speaks to the woman at the well, you might hear a woman's voice there or when Jesus is talking to Peter and he says "Peter who do you say that I am?", you would hear a different voice for Peter. Also there are sound effects, light sound effects, like when Jesus is on the boat and the storm comes up and the waves and all that, you might be hearing some wave sound effects there, you might be hearing some high strong wind sound effects there and then also in different sections, there might be some light background music.
New King James Audio Bible Download MP3 voice only |
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NKJV Dramatized Audio Bible download dramatized version |
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With the NKJV MP3 downloads, either the Voice only or the Dramatized edition after you complete your order, you'll be sent an email. Inside of this email will be your download link. You will look inside your order confirmation email, there will be the download link. Basically what you'll do is you'll click on the link, go to an encrypted page on the website and then download all of the zip files onto your computer.
The benefits to you for ordering the NKJV Audio Bible MP3 download are: once you place your order you'll automatically get a order confirmation. Inside the order confirmation will be your download link and you can immediately start downloading the files. There is no shipping charges because this is a downloadable product. It is also affordable way to do this because most of the downloads run $19 to $21 each. I am sure you will enjoy the NKJV Audio Bible MP3 download. We have two great options for you. One is the Voice only read by Bob Souer. It's one voice, one reader all the way through and then the second option is the dramatized Audio Bible. That is a dramatized version. It is read by Stephen Johnston. Both of these options are both Old and New Testament.